11 June, 2010

Description of my 3 actions

My first action consist in a letter to the governor Jan Brewer. What I write to her is about the new law of the illegal immigation in Arizona, that she signed on Friday and about what is her opinion about that.

My second action is a blog video I made. This video is to show what the illegal immigrants need past to come to the United States, and this video is with the song “Mojado” by Ricardo Arjona. He is a very popular singer. He is from Guatemala. The video containe some facts about the illegal immigrants too.

My 3rd action are five facts more important to day about illegal immigrants and what the government is going with the new law in Arizona, and the problems with the borders between Mexico and United States.

10 June, 2010

Illegal immigrants gravitate toward Arizona border

The amazing thing of the story is that people who are getting through to the U.S. illegally has dropped 41 percent between 2005 and 2009. However in Nogales, Arizona, authorities still recently captured 687 illegal immigrants in one day.
President Obama recently decided to send 1,200 National Guard soldiers and put $500 million to control the border, but the people trying to cross are very determined. Right now Arizona is considered the part of the country with the most illegal and has become “the leakiest portion of 2,000 miles border.” This state is considered very dangerous because of the continued presence of illegal immigrants, and what is combined with the rise of narcotic traffic. The Rev. Vili Valderrama, a priest at San Felipe de Jesus parish in heavily Hispanic Nogales supports the new law, he says, “I have seen situation in families where they are fighting.”
There are about 262 miles long the in Nogales. The border controls are tighter elsewhere because the fences across the rest of the state, California and New Mexico. For Mexicans it is easier to cross because it is closer to the United States. The Tucson sector increased staffing by 30 percent and about 3, 200 officers in 2006. But all this never stopped immigrants from crossing the border. Right now, Senator John McCain wants to increase border patrols by 6,000 National Guardian soldiers along the U.S. borders, including 3,000 soldiers in Arizona.
The federal government is doing a very good job stopping illegal immigration. There are many illegal immigrants trying to get in the United States because they have a poor economy in their country. The majority of illegal are from Central America. That is because these countries are very poor so they try to cross the border everyday to have better opportunities here. For example, my uncle once tried to cross illegally to the U.S but the National Guard arrested him in Nogales. He wanted to come here because in El Salvador he didn’t a job and he wanted to have a good job here to help his family. The economy is a big reason why many people decide to live their country.

President Obama speaking about the new law about illegals immigartion in Arizona.

New immigration law in Arizona

With its new immigration law, Arizona has made millions of Americans angry and politically interested. On Saturday, May 29, protestors and supporters of the law gathered in Arizona and throughout the country. There are two basic positions.
There are those who believe that the law is needed because federal government has not yet enforced anti-illegal immigration laws. There are also those who believe the law discriminates against brown people, of Spanish origins.
For example: Charlene Pellin supports the first position. She came to Arizona for a vacation and joined 7,000 other supporters in Tempe, AZ. "Hopefully if enough people show support for Arizona more states will follow suit," Pellin said.
"The operative word in all this is 'illegal,'" said another supporter, Christine Griswold, a 54-year-old gynecologist from Palm Desert, Calif. "It has nothing to do with their race. It's that they're coming to the country illegally."
An example of the second position is Chelsea Halstead. She joined 10,000 to 20,000 other protestors at a march in Phoenix. "I don't think that this law is American. I think it's discriminatory," said Halstead, a 20-year-old college student from Flagstaff. "I'm offended by it because this is a nation founded by immigrants."
"If they stop me and they find my status, who's going to feed my kids? Who's going to keep working hard for them?" said Alfonso Martinez, a 38-years-old father of three. He has lived in the U.S. for 21 years and is trying to become a legal citizen.
What I think about this article is that there are many who are supporting this new law, but there are more who don’t support it. Here, in the United States there are many illegal immigrants who want only to be treated like a citizen in the U.S. What the Latinos want is only to be a part of this country. They only want to work and have a better life here and to help their family in their original counties. The majority of illegal people are in the U.S. because they came due to wars on because their countries are really poor and there are not jobs and because the pay is not sufficient. Like in El Salvador, everything is expensive. The prices are the same as the prices in the U.S, but the people don’t make enough money they can’t buy what they need or can’t have better opportunities in their lives.

This video is about Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signt controversial imigration bill into a law.

07 June, 2010

My Video on Immigration

This video is about what the Latinos have gone through to come to the United States and what the Latino community does for the United States. The song of the video is called "Mojado" by Ricardo Arjona. He is from Guatemala.

01 June, 2010

Five young New Yorkers march to D.C. to follow their DREAM, in support of immigration act

With the DREAM Act, people have developed an excellent idea to solve part of the great immigration problem. Before Congress is a bill that would help immigrants who have been brought here as children and have grown up in the United States to gain permanent status. Students who entered the U.S. before age 16 would be able to enlist in military or enroll in college. Six years after they start college or the military, they would be able to apply for permanent U.S. citizenship.
Five young New Yorkers walked for three weeks to call attention to the DREAM Act.The march began on April 10. They arrived in front of the White House on Saturday. One of the students marching, Marisol Ramos, is 25 years old. She was born in New York City. She says that many children come to the U.S. as babies. “They live their whole lives here,” Ramos points out. And she says, “There are 2.5 million undocumented children… and every year, 65,000 graduate high school”. They cannot have ID and have to live an underground life.
This bill would give permanent status to those children who go to college or join the military so American society would benefit in two ways. First, they would get more soldiers for our wars, and they would also get well-trained individuals who have been college educated to work in government or business. “A lot of businesses support the bipartisan DREAM Act, from Macy’s to Con Ed. And so do a lot of individuals, who gave lodging to the gaggle of activist the way,” says Ramos. Why is this such a good proposal? I don’t think the American Congress is going to solve the bigger problem of illegal immigrants in the United States anytime soon. So at least we should solve the problem quickly for some of their children.

A group of protestors bringing attention to the DREAM Act shut down Wilshire Boulevard.

18 May, 2010

Arizona Law on Immigrantion

Arizona Enacts Stringent Law on Immigration

Because of the downturn of the economy and because of increased violence associated with illegal immigrants, American people are becoming afraid of poor Latinos, legal or illegal. The new law passed by the Arizona legislature “would make the failure to carry immigration documents a crime and give the police broad power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally. Opponents have called it an open invitation for harassment and discrimination against Hispanics regardless of their citizenship status”. For example, if I were in Arizona today, even though I am one hundred percent legal, because my papers are not up-to-date the police could find an excuse to legally put me in jail. Why? Because I am a brown person and I am not rich.
The problem of illegal immigration must be solved at the federal level by the Congress and the President. What should the government do with all the illegal immigrants who are already in the United States? Give them a legal path way to citizenship. Are the current laws fair to people who are illegally in the United States who want to stay or to my uncles who have always wanted to be in the United States but never found a legal way to get here.

Bill O'Reilly interviews Arizona's Prima country Sheriff Clarence Dupnick about the Governor Jan Brewer's new bill.